
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Goodbye House

We Did It!! We made it through the Holiday weekend and managed to get completely moved out of our house. I thought I would be sad to move but it has truly been a relief to say goodbye. Maybe if you prepare for something long enough it just feels right to be done. I think our biggest problem is that we never truly moved in. There was no family room with an inviting lure to the television and since there was nowhere to settle in for the evening I don't think we ever settled at all. So goodbye house, goodbye long drive home, goodbye yard, goodbye shoveling snow, goodbye mowing lawns, godbye unused space with too much storage ... Hello Condo!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Learning Curve

Okay so, we have only had our own personal computer for about 6 months and....we do not own a or otherwise..wait, wait, not true we have camera phones! Mostly because they don't make phones without them anymore, and our friends have forced us into them in order to stay in the loop. This is not to say that we are completely archaic, I do use the computer daily for work purposes. What I'm getting at is a plea for patience as we cross the lines of technological competency...and actually use it for personal recreation. We are slowly on our way to a new culture ; ) Honestly I don't know where I will find the time for the learning curve, but I am determined to make an effort at some erratic practice.

As good a place to start as any

It didn't occur to us to blog until we got Jim's query on the family website. After reading other's we thought it might be fun to join in. However...neither one of us is very consistent in anything we do, so please expect nothing organized, chronological, or accurately documented....It will all be fragments of our faulty memories....Enjoy!