
Monday, July 14, 2008

In training

Greg Hicks and I are training for a triathalon.... Our goal is to do a Half Iron man which is 1.2 miles swimming followed by a 56 mile bike and finished with a 13.2 mile run. Why you ask? Because we can... or at least we think we can. We have been swimming laps in my condo pool for a few weeks now and Sunday we gave the open water a try at Pineview Reservoir. What did we learn? That we have a whole lot of training to do LOL! We only went to the bouy and back and did a terrible job of keeping a frestyle stroke going. The upside is that we didn't drown, we got a greast workout and we're learning a lot. There is an incredible amount of satisfaction that comes with reaching the progressive goals and I have almost conquered my fear of water, I hope.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Give me one goood reason...

Sometimes in the mornings I wake up and my hands swell, I don't know why but they always have...Since I can remember actually... Yesterday my hands were particularly swollen and my wedding ring started to hurt my finger so I decided to take it off and put it in my pocket. It's not an uncommon habit, I usually don't wear my ring in the morning , when I work out, or when I sleep. On this particular day I changed from my jeans into my sweats and went to the laundromat.

I lost my ring!!! I know it's gone. I'm a freak about checking the machines for random stuff because I always miss things in Nate's work pants. So it must have fallen somewhere outside.

I called Nate to tell him and he laughed and said "Now we both lost our rings!!"
The only difference is that his cost $35 because we knew he would eventually lose it it did last 3 years though. I guess we should have known that I would lose mine too :) I'm only 2 months more responsible HA HA!

One more reason I we belong together

Maybe one day when we're all growed up and we can prove we're responsible enough to take care of our rings we will try it again.... but I think the tattoo idea might work better.... forever is forever.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Nate can fall asleep anywhere ... anytime .... I thought it was magic but it turns out he just has sleep apnea and will fall asleep wherever because he is completely sleep deprived. He can't breathe when he falls asleep he will just stop breathing many times per minute...NOT GOOD!

I however can not sleep. I can't turn off my brain. If I watch TV I have to finish whatever I am watching so that doesn't work, I love to read so that doesn't help because I won't put the book down. Sometimes I count backwards from 1,000 in spanish. Sometimes I lay in bed and stare into the darkness thinking about how tired I am going to be the next day because I only have 3 hours before i have to be up. I bought some meditation CD's they helped a little. I can get to sleep for a while then later I wake up to turn it off and stay up. I need a nap...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


May is our busiest month of the year and thank god it's half over!!!

Nate and I are 3 this year and to celebrate we went on our anual hunt for the best Margaritas in the world. This year was Z'Tejas at the Gateway. We were actually supposed to go there for our first anniversary but we didn't make it so we went this year. It was Sooooooo Yummy and the 6th street Rocks Margarita (with no salt) was a definite contest contender... It was delicious and it tasted like a magical summer night on vacation....Nothing tastes better than a vacation cocktail at night in the summer. It was blissful and we each had 3 :) The food was really good too. We will be going back & I will be having the chile chicken relleno MMMMMM!!! SO GOOD!!!

I still love being married which is good because 3 years isn't that long in fact it flew by. I think it's easy because Nate and I were definitely made for each other. He's my favorite and we're buddies. It doesn't get any better than that.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Blog Blog...Who's There?

It's me and I am blogging!! I know, I know, I should be more consistent but I warned you...and unfortunately this is doing my best as far as free time on the computer goes. I quit my day job in December to be a full time Realtor and ever since then have only made it to the computer for work and work and work.....after that I put it on standby to recharge and do the same myself.
Running my own business has been such a fantastic challenge. There is always something that still needs to be done and it has been a huge adjustment but I really enjoy it. I have gotten really good at being a real estate agent and I know I will only get better. I love to work with people who are buying a home. It is so exciting when I can help somebody find exactly what they were looking for. Selling a home provides a whole different challenge. It's amazing how many obstacles come along with the whole thing. I have become a professional problem solver. It's kind of interesting though because I think I have always had a natural ability to find solutions. I remember in elementary school I was in a group of kids who would help resolve fighting at recess we were called Conflict Managers and we worked in teams of two to keep the playground a happy place. I now work with my Mom as my partner trying to keep home buying a happy experience. I guess it's all relative ;)