
Monday, May 19, 2008


Nate can fall asleep anywhere ... anytime .... I thought it was magic but it turns out he just has sleep apnea and will fall asleep wherever because he is completely sleep deprived. He can't breathe when he falls asleep he will just stop breathing many times per minute...NOT GOOD!

I however can not sleep. I can't turn off my brain. If I watch TV I have to finish whatever I am watching so that doesn't work, I love to read so that doesn't help because I won't put the book down. Sometimes I count backwards from 1,000 in spanish. Sometimes I lay in bed and stare into the darkness thinking about how tired I am going to be the next day because I only have 3 hours before i have to be up. I bought some meditation CD's they helped a little. I can get to sleep for a while then later I wake up to turn it off and stay up. I need a nap...


Gennaveeve said...

I'm with you! My brain won't turn off. But Unisom works sometimes for me. But I feel you honey! LONG LIVE NAP TIME!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Kimber, I like meditation tapes too sometimes. Hope you get some sleep!