
Friday, May 8, 2009

In Training II

Triathalon schmiathalon....About that fear of water....yeaaaaah it's still not conquered... in fact it may have gotten worse. I have made some positive gains with the swimming. I feel like I can swim, which is a definite plus. I am more comfortable in the water and I have a better understanding of how to move to use less energy and go farther. It doesn't take as much to convince me that swimming can be fun... which is the biggest gain. None of these things however, change the fact that I'm terrified of swimming in a crowd, and after the story I heard of my Aunt Holly's first triathalon experience the fear has won out. In the race people swam into her, on top of her and as if that’s not enough a fellow swimmer panicked and grabbed hold of her ankle with an iron grip and wouldn’t let go!!! Since she is amazing, she kept her wits about her and was able to keep the both of them from drowning. I however do not have that kind of calm about me in crisis situations…. I would have freaked and drown anyone and everyone within reach.

For now the triathalon idea has been shelved but I have signed up for another marathon. Woo Hoo!! The Top of Utah Marathon September 19th 2009. I wanted to run another one before my 30th Birthday on Oct, 1st so I signed myself up. The idea was to be to beat my first time 5:20 and run it in 4:30 or less. I think I may have finally raised the bar to high. I have been working twice a week with a trainer on speed, agility and flexibility and two to three times a week doing strength training and doing a long run on the weekend. I think my shins are taking the brunt of it. I don't want to get stress fractures so I may have to back off and do a half marathon instead. I was disappointed at first but, oh well, at some point I will run one in 4:30 maybe before my 31st birthday. They have a Marathon through the Redwoods that looks beautiful...I guess we'll see what can happen in 19 weeks.


Unknown said...

ohhhh scary. marathons make me queasy. but jim and I just did our first sprint triathlon and it was REALLY fun! (not an open water swim, definite plus) and a sprint is a great way to try it out without dying! good luck with the running!

Unknown said...

you are awesome I wish I liked to run maybe I will start walking lol ;)